Avoid the Hassle and Added Expense of Plumbing Disasters with a Routine Checkup
A routine plumbing checkup can keep big plumbing problems small by catching them early. While a plumbing problem usually seems like a sudden event that strikes without warning, most don’t start that way. Most major plumbing issues have a history that extends back to a time when a damaging, expensive water leak was nothing more than a spot of seepage around a loose connection—a minor matter that could’ve been easily resolved if only the right person had looked in the right place at the right time. That’s the function of the plumbing checkup by an experienced professional. In a short time, a trained inspector can look for early signs of looming problems or efficiency losses that may already be costing you money in water waste. Here’s what’s involved in a typical plumbing checkup:
- Inspecting all fixtures and drains. This includes checking P-traps for leaks and looking for signs of corrosion or leakage in supply lines.
- Testing the garbage disposal for correct operation and leakage.
- Inspecting and cleaning strainers.
- Verifying the proper operation of the main water shut-off.
- Checking the washing machine fill and drain hoses and testing the valves.
- Analyzing the mineral content and water hardness with a test kit.
- Assessing the sewer flow.
- Draining and flushing sediment from the water heater. Verifying the operation of the temperature and pressure relief valves and the emergency shut-off function. Evaluating the condition of the tank for corrosion and leaks.
- At each toilet: Checking the opening and closing of the flapper valves. Verifying the operation of the fill valve and inspect the riser tube for corrosion or leaks. Checking the operation of the shut-off valve and the connection to the water supply line.
Black Diamond Plumbing & Mechanical keeps your home plumbing and HVAC systems effective and efficient year-round. Ask us about scheduling a routine plumbing checkup to catch small problems before they become a big inconvenience and expense.
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